BirthKuwait Inagural Gala

BirthKuwait Inagural Gala
celebrating 4 years of giving (note: it's by invite only)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

BirthKuwait Online Workshops and Events

Birthkuwait is pleased to bring you a collection of group and private workshops and events for parents to be, as well as exercise classes for pregnant women in our center at The Promenade Mall, M2. 
يسر بيرث كويت ان تقدم مجموعة من الورش وحصص رياضة الحوامل الجماعية والفردية تفاعية حضور شخصي بالمركز  او عبر الانترنت ( اون لاين )

الرجاء الإطلاع على السياسات المرفقة قبل التوجه لحجز مقعدك في الورشة.
سياسة الاسترجاع و الحضور: 
Please Read Our Policies Below Before Proceeding to the Payment Link:
Refund and Minimum Attendance Policy:
-No refunds or cancellations are allowed during the promotion.
-BirthKuwait has the right to reschedule your workshop if the minimum number of participants in not reached.
لا يسمح بالإلغاء او تبديل الورشة بعد التسجيل 
يحق لبيرث كويت تبديل وقت الورشة اذا لم يتم استكمال العدد الكافي الورشة
-BirthKuwait reserves the right to change the Instructor of any workshop should the need arise.
بيرث كويت لديها الحق  في تغيير المدرب في أي ورشة عمل إذا دعت الحاجة.

You will be added to a WhatsApp group by our hotline (+965-66234706) the day of the workshop and a Zoom link with instructions will be sent on the group.
سيتم اضافتك الى مجموعة واتس اب عن طريق خطنا الساخن (+965 66234706). سيتم ارسال رابط الورشة مع بعض التعليمات في تلك المجموعه.

By clicking on the image link below to register, you are agreeing to the policies above.

عند الضغط على لنك التسجيل، يعني موافقتك على السياسات السابقة

Thursday, November 8, 2018

We are extremely excited to bring to you a one of kind conference for the first time in Kuwait, BirthKuwait Birth and Breastfeeding Conference 2018. The first conference that brings professionals and mothers together, bridging the gap between medical professionals and families.  

The conference will take place over two days, November 9th & 10th, at Salwa AlSabah hall. 

Our keynote speaker is the Internationally renowned Breastfeeding Expert: 

Dr Jack Newman, a renowned Canadian pediatrician and Breastfeeding Consultant.

Register to attend online now or go to the  BirthKuwait Birth and Breastfeeding Conference 2018 for more details and for sponsorship, exhibit, and volunteering opportunities.  

or contact us via WhatsApp (+965) 66234706
or Email:


In accordance to IBLCE Code of Ethics and in adherence to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and with kind guidance, help and support from our speakers, we remove any connection and collaboration with Medela Kuwait in the BirthKuwait Birth and Breastfeeding Conference 2018 and any future activities.

As an IBLCE recognised breastfeeding support counsellor organization, we believe that upholding these ethics and values are paramount to ensuring that all mothers and babies are protected of their right to breastfeed and that they receive the utmost support that is solely based on scientific evidence and we will comply with the international standards.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

في لقاء حصري مع نور ظاظا، نصائح مهمة للرضاعة الطبيعية

نسعى في برنامج دعم الرضاعة الطبيعية لتوعية و تثقيف و مساندة الأمهات للنجاح في الرضاعة الطبيعية من خلال ورش شهرية، وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي، و أيضا خط المساعدة الذي يصل الأمهات بأكثر من 20 مقدمة مشورة في الرضاعة الطبيعية بضورة تطوعية، و "يمعة سوبرمامز" هذا التجمع الشهري للأمهات المرضعات

حيث أكدت نور ظاظا، نائب مدير برنامج دعم الرضاعة الطبيعية لليقظة، أن الرضاعة الطبيعية تجربة فريدة من نوعها تمر بها الأسرة في بداية عمر أطفالها لأعوام قليلة و لكن تترك رابط و ذكريات لأعوام طويلة

لقراءة بقية اللقاء، يرجى الضغط على الرابط أعلاه في عنوان المقابلة

شكرا للصحافية منار صبري على هذا اللقاء و اشادتها بمجوعتنا الغير ربحية و التطوعية و كذلك لإهتمامها بكل ما يعني المرأة، لا سيما الأمومة. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

en.v Concludes Third Year of NGO Capacity Building Program STAND, Launches Extended Phase

As part of its STAND II project, Abolish153, an advocacy campaign aimed at eliminating Article 153 of the Kuwait Penal Code that effectively tolerates “honor” killings, raised public awareness on this issue and continues to lobby the National Assembly to amend the law. The campaign’s awareness efforts included a public art exhibition at the Contemporary Art Platform, a symposium at the American University of Kuwait and a concert at the Al Hamra Mall. Meanwhile, sub-grantees FSRI-Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Centre, BirthKuwait and 6abebat launched the Kuwait Child Resource Centre online portal ( to serve as a one-stop resource for parents and child health professionals living and working in Kuwait. The three organizations are collaborating with the objective to foster a society where children and families receive appropriate and timely healthcare and development advice, information and services. The third sub-grant recipient, Project 189, is an organization that aims to promote the rights of domestic workers in the Middle East. As part of its project, it organized photography workshops for domestic workers in Kuwait and later showcased their work at a public exhibition at Masaha 13. The objective was to facilitate a cooperative, cross-cultural dialogue between domestic workers and employers using creative mediums.

** to read the whole article, please follow the link below

Thursday, May 19, 2016

منار صبري بعدسة ميلاد غالي التقت المهندسة هبة العالي لتحدثنا عن الدولا والقابلة
وطريقة اللاماز وقبل كل ذلك عن بيرث كويت.. فتلبية لاحتياج المجتمع الإنسانية تأسست تلك
المجموعة التي تعد الأولى على مستوى الخليج لتوفير التوعية الصحية والصحيحة لكل امرأة
على أرض الكويت الغالية.

كان هذا اللقاء بين رئيسة مجموعة بيرث كويت المعمارية هبه العالي و الصحفية المتألقة منار صبري منذ أكثر من عامين .. 
لقراءة قصة تكوين المجموعة، مهمتها و رؤيتها، انجازاتها المتواضعة خلال عامين من تأسيسها، و تطلعها للمستقبل و الكثير في هذا اللقاء المشوق، أضغطوا على العنوان الرئيسي أعلاه.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Moms and Breastfeeding Suport Groups

BirthKuwait Super Moms support groups meet twice a month, with a new topic to discuss with one of our counselors or specialist
For exact dates and details follow our Instagram account @birthkuwait or contact us on 66234706

تجتمع مجموعة دعم الأمهات التابع لـ بيرث كويت مرتان في الشهر، حيث يتم مناقشة موضوع جديد في كل لقاء. للمزيد من التفاصيل أو لمعرفة مواعيد اللقاء يرجى متابعة حسابنا على الإنستجرام او التواصل معنا على 66234706

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mommy and me market 10/10/2015

Mommy and me market took place 10/10/2015.

يملؤنا الحماس والإثارة لمشاركتنا في"Mommy and Me Market" يوم السبت الموافق 10/10.  اتستمتعنا معا بيوم #حافل بالأنشطة و#الألعاب والأطعمة أيضاً. ستتواجد معنا مقدمة مشورة #للرضاعة_الطبيعية، ومثقفة في #الولادة_الطبيعية للإجابة على #استفساراتكم. وسنقدم مشاريع فنية وحرفية #للأطفال، وبعضاً من المنتجات الممتعة المفيدة للرضاعة الطبيعية (مثل كوكيز زيادة الحليب اللذيذة). هو سيكون بكل تأكيد حدثاً #ممتعاً ويوماً رائعاً#. ملاحظة: تم تغيير المكان.@mommyandmemarket .

We're very excited to be participating in the Mommy and Me Market THIS SATURDAY! Come enjoy a fun day filled with #activities, #games and #food. We will have a #breastfeeding counselor and a #childbirth educator available to answer any #questions you might have, arts and crafts projects for the kids, and some cool breastfeeding products available (including our famous lactation cookies in a jar ). It's sure to be a great #event! Please note the change of location

Nourish your baby ورشة عمل ارضعي طفلك طبيعيا

هل تعلم أن العديد من الدراسات

تثبت أن الرضاعة الطبيعية تجعل طفلك أذكى و تدعم صحتك وصحة طفلك؟

سيتعلم المشاركون في ورشة العمل المزيد عن فوائد الرضاعة الطبيعية و كيفية الاستمتاع بتجربة رضاعة طبيعية ناجحة.

الورش مناسبة للحوامل، الأمهات الجدد، ولكل من لديه رغبة في معرفة المزيد عن الرضاعة الطبيعية أو مساندة الأم في هذه المرحلة. 
سارعي بالحجز في الورشة ، الأماكن محدودة. للتسجيل ارسلي مسج عادي او على الواتس اب للرقم المسجل بالأعلى. 
منشني صديقاتج الي بلشوا تجهيزاتهم للأمومة.

Did you know that numerous research studies show that breastfeeding makes your baby smarter and you and your baby healthier?

Attend our workshop and learn more about the numerous benefits of breastfeeding and how you can enjoy a successful breastfeeding experience. Seats are filling up fast, reserve your place today by sending a whatsapp or SMS message to the phone number above.

Mention a friend who is pregnant and starting to prepare for becoming a mom.

رسالة موجهة للاباء الجدد:

تشير الدراسات الحديثة أن الأطفال الذين يتلقون اهتمام من آبائهم منذ الولادة لديهم شعور بالأمان العاطفي، ثقة بالنفس عند التعامل مع محيطهم، تواصل اجتماعي مع أقرانهم أكثر وأقل تعرضا للمشاكل في البيت والمدرسة.
كما أن معدلات الذكاء والادراك لدى الأطفال الذين حصلوا على اهتمام و تربية ولعب من آبائهم هي أعلى من أولئك الذين لم يحصلوا عليه.

عزيزي الأب الآن أصبح بإمكانك التعرف على طرق لتواصل مميز مع طفلك الجديد بالإضافة إلى تقديم الدعم والمساعدة للأم وهي تعطيه الغذاء الأمثل.

المقاعد محدودة! احجزوا مقعدكم اليوم.ابعثوا رسالة واتس اب للرقم الموجود بالأعلى. منشن أي أم أو أب يتوقعون قدوم طفلهم.
. .

لا تنسوا السؤال عن باقتنا المتكاملة من ورش العمل المختلفة ؛ ورشة أرضعي طفلك ، ورشة الولادة بثقة ، ورشة الرعاية بالمولود بأسعار مميزة
Message to Expecting and New Dads:

Recent studies have suggested that children whose fathers are actively involved with them from birth are more likely to be emotionally secure, confident in exploring their surroundings, have better social connections with peers as they grow older, and are less likely to get in trouble at home and at school. Children with fathers who are nurturing, involved, and playful also turn out to have higher IQs and better linguistic and cognitive capacities.

Attend our workshop with your wife to learn how you can bond with your new baby, while supporting your wife as she
provides him/her with the best possible nutrition.

Seats are limited! Reserve yours today by sending a whatsapp message to the number above. And mention any amazing daddies and mommies who are expecting new babies  .
Don't forget to ask about our new packages that allow you to attend our Nourish Your Baby, Birthing with Confidence and Newborn Care Workshops for a special combined price. .

Newborn Care Workshop ورشة عمل العناية بالمولود

  يسعدنا الإعلان عن سلسلة جديدة من ورش عملنا "ورشة العناية بالمولود". حيث سيتعلم الوالدان الطرق الصحيحة للعناية بطفلهما حديث الولادة، بما في ذلك طرق التغذية، النوم، النظافة ، نصائح للحفاظ على أمن و سلامة الطفل بالإضافة إلى الأخطاء الشائعة للعناية بالمولود، و معلومات عن الصحة العامة وأعراض الأمراض الواردة للمواليد الجدد.

احجزوا اماكنكم الآن بإرسال مسج عادي أو واتساب الى الرقم المبين بالاعلان. الاماكن محدودة!

We are pleased to announce our newest workshop series! "Newborn Care Workshops"

Couples will learn all the skills they need to correctly care for their newborn, including feeding, sleeping, bathing, diapering, common mistakes, safety tips, symptoms of common ailments and generally how to keep your baby healthy and happy.

Reserve your seats today's by sending a whatsapp or SMS message to the number above.  Spaces are limited!

Childbirth Education Workshop "Birthing with Confidence" ورشة عمل الولادة بثقة

سيتعلم الأزواج طرق الولادة الصحية في ورشة عمل "الولادة بثقة

ورش عمل "الولادة بثقة" مبنية على ست ممارسات لولادة صحية وفقا لتوصيات المنظمة الصحة العالمية، فهي مصممة لتحسين نتائج الولادة و إرضاء الأمهات:
١- جعل المخاض يبدأ من تلقاء نفسه
٢- المشي، الحركة، و تغيير الوضعية أثناء المخاض 
٣- التشجيع المستمر اثناء المخاض من قبل أفراد #الأسرة و #الدولا
٤- تجنب التدخلات الطبية غير الضرورية
٥- إتخاذ وضعية الجلوس (ظهر مستقيم) لدفع الجنين
٦- إبقاء الأم و المولود معا. 

The couples will learn about the healthy birth practices at the childbirth education workshop " Birthing with confidence " 
Childbirth education workshop "Birthing with confidence" is built on the 6 healthy birth practices recommended by WHO to help improve the birth outcomes and maternal satisfaction.

1) Let Labor Begin On Its Own
2) Walk, Move, and Change Positions
3) Continuous Labor Support
4) Avoid Unnecessary Medical Interventions
5) Move Into an Upright Position for Birth
6) Keep Mother and Baby Together 

رسالة الى الوالدين المستقبليين:

تعتبر مرحلتاالحمل والولادة نقطتا تغير في حياة الأزواج، فهما سيحولان علاقتكما من زوجين إلى والدين.
أظهرت الدراسات أن تجربة الولادة المعززة والواثقة يمكن أن تحسن جودة حياة الزوجين وتؤثر تأثيراً إيجابياً على علاقتهما كوالدين جديدين.

بالإضافة لذلك أظهرت آخر الأبحاث أن ممارسة الممارسات الصحية للولادة، والدعم المستمر من الزوج إضافة إلى وجود المرافقة تعتبر عوامل مهمة للحصول على نتائج إيجابية للولادة.
احضري ورشة العمل التي نقيمها وستحصلين على المعرفة والمهارات التي تساعدك على الشعور بالثقة والاستعداد للولادة.

إضافة إلى أنك وزوجك ستتعلمون طرقاً إيجابية للتواصل وقت المخاض والولادة وكيف سيتمكن زوجك من مساندتك وأن يكون مصدر قوة وراحة لك بشكل أفضل. . سجلوا لورشة العمل في
أكتوبر 21:
الساعة ٤ م إلى ٧ م

نوفمبر 21
بالعربي  و بالاجليزي
الساعة ٤ م إلى ٧ م

المقاعد محدودة. إحجزوا عن طريق الواتساب 

A message to expecting couples:
Pregnancy and birth is a life changing event which will transform husband and wife into parents. Research shows that an empowering and confident birthing experience can improve a couples quality of life and impact early parenting positively.

Further, according to the latest research, healthy birth practices, husband's support and presence of doula are crucial factors to positive birth outcomes.

Attend our workshop and you will gain knowledge and skills that will help you to feel confident and prepared for your delivery and birth. Further you and your husband will learn positive ways to communicate during labor and how he can best support and be a source of comfort and strength for you.
Join us in October:

October 21th 4-7 pm (english)

November 21th 4-7 pm
both: (arabic)(english)

Only a few seats remain, reserve your seat today via whatsapp 66234706.

إنشاء أسرة سعيدة - من المعرفة إلى المهارة Public Lecture

أقامت مجموعة بيرث كويت ندوتها التثقيفية الأولى لموسم ٢٠١٥-٢٠١٦ بعنوان (إنشاء أسرة سعيدة - من المعرفة إلى المهارة) مساء يوم الأثنين الموافق ٥ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥ في قاعة المحاضرات بحديقة الشهيد. و قد قدمت الحفل نائب رئيس بيرث كويت الأستاذة سوزانا نادوفا و التي شكرت جميع القائمين على هذه المجموعة من متطوعين و مشجعين و متبرعين. وقد قامت نادوفا بالتعريف عن تأسيس بيرث كويت التي بدأت قبل خمس سنوات عن طريق حملات توعوية و ندوات عامة و تدريبية من قبل مختصين في مجالات متعددة كصفوف تمارين اليوجا للحوامل، و ورش عمل عن مهارات المخاض و الولادة، إستشارات الرضاعة الطبيعية و صفوف اليوجا للأمهات و المواليد.

و قد أعطت نادوفا مقدمة عن بيرث كويت التي هي عبارة عن مؤسسة غير ربحية تقوم بتوصيل الحلقة بين العائلات ومختصي الحمل و الولادة و الأمومة. كما ذكرت نادوفا رؤية و أهداف بيرث كويت في تحسين مستوى رعاية الحوامل و المواليد الصحية، بالإضافة الى نشر الوعي بأهمية الرضاعة الطبيعية و طرق الولادة المدعمة بالبحث العلمي لتقليل التدخلات الطبية الغير ضرورية.

و قد تضمنت هذه الندوة نصائح للأمهات و الآباء و تم تعريفهم بخدمات بيرث كويت و تقديم استشاريي المجموعة:
-نور ظاظا (مرشدة الرضاعة الطبيعية و نائب مدير برنامج تشجيع الرضاعة الطبيعية)
-هبه عبدالجليل (نائب مدير برنامج تعليم الولادة)
-د. فاطمة بوجروة (مدير برنامج تشجيع الرضاعة الطبيعية)
-حفصة قرشي (نائب مدير برنامج رعاية الرضع)
-ريم الراشد (متطوعة في مجموعة دعم الأمهات)
و قد قام كل من الاختصاصيين بإلقاء عرض مرئي للتعريف بالبرامج و الأهداف. و في ختام الندوة شكرت نادوفا الحضور و تم إتاحة الفرصة للجمهور للإستفادة من هذا اللقاء و إستشارة المختصين في مجال رعاية الأمومة و المواليد و الرضاعة الطبيعية.
علما ان الندوات شهريه حيث ستكون المحاضره القامة يوم الاثنين الموافق ٢٦ أكتوبر الجاري وعنوانها الرئيسي التخطيط للحمل

BirthKuwait's Maternal, Infant and Family Wellbeing Initiative for season 2015-2016

Dear families,

We are pleased to announce the start of season 2015-2015 which will include many exciting activities and events. Kindly check out this October's schedule.

BirthKuwait would like to invite you to our upcoming events.

Kindly note that all our events (except the expo) require a prior registration.

"Birthing with confidence " (English)

Moms support group


"Nourish Your Baby" (English)

Public lecture 
Starting a happy family: Planning for pregnancy 

"Newborn care" both English and arabic

بيرث كويت تدعوكم لحضور الفعاليات لهذا الشهر:

يرجى العلم بأن جميع الفعليات تتطلب حجز مسبق.

مجموعة دعم الامهات (باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية )

ورشة عمل 
"الولادة بتقة" (باللغة إنجليزية)

23-24 / 10/2915

ورشة عمل
"ارضعي طفلك طبيعيا" 
(باللغة إنجليزية)

محاضرة مجانية
إنشاء الأسرة السعيدة: التخطيط للحمل

ورشة عمل
"العناية بالمولود" باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Birthing With Confidence in the GCC 2014 - Evaluation Report

Evaluation Report of BirthKuwait’s Conference
‘Birthingwith Confidence in the GCC 2014’

The Year 2014 marked to be a highly significant year for BirthKuwait as it successfully marked one of its key milestones - conducting the ‘Birthing with Confidence in the GCC’ which was the first conference to be held in this region of this kind.The exposure and growth which was established from this was remarkable because not only we had trainees from Kuwait, we had some coming in from neighboring GCC countries hence proclaiming the success of the mission of targeting the whole region as intended.

BirthKuwait managed to attain many loyal sponsors, some of which are continuing to collaborate with the branches and affiliates of BirthKuwait. And we have more sponsors and partners on board, post conference, all as a result to the success accomplished.
Most fruitful outcome of this conference was the establishment of Breastfeeding Support Program (BFSKW), the first of its kind in Kuwait. Offering monthly workshops in Arabic and English which have acclaimed great acceptance and seats get full weeks in advance. They have launched a Breastfeeding Support Hotline which provides daily support to moms via phone calls and messages as well as home visits.

Alongside this many private and public hospitals have expressed an interest in becoming more supportive of breastfeeding and invested in this goal by getting their staff trained  hence many nurses and doctors were trained by BK to become Doulas, Breastfeeding Counselors, Lamaze Childbirth Educators and Lactation Educators during our conference.
Following are the statistics of number of trained personals:

Breastfeeding Counselors
Lactation Educators
Childbirth Educators

                                                              Childbirth Educators


                                        Breastfeeding Counselors and Lactation Educators 

Productive outcomes:
-Establishment of BFSKW- providing workshops, hotline support, home visits and Breastfeeding awareness.
-@bfskw Instagram account having a rapid growth of followers and people benefiting from informative bilingual posts.
-Childbirth Education classes conducted privately and in groups.
- Media exposure on TV interviews and famous magazines (Watan TV, City pages, Marie Claire, …..)
-Significant Growth in the number of volunteers.

Kindly note that financial review is available upon request via email

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Be a Savvy Birth Consumer Part 2

City Pages March 2014 Article
* see page 32

Do you want to get the most out of your birth experience? Be savvy. Understand the language used during birth and make informed decisions.

While birth is a normal process and research shows that many of the routines at hospitals today are not necessarily beneficial and may even be harmful[1], the fact remains that birth today has become intervention-intensive and the majority of moms in Kuwait will likely experience one or more intervention during their birth. Most of the statistics for these interventions are not publicly available in Kuwait, so I will use the most recent statistics for women in America. The most recent Listening to Mothers Survey[2] showed that the majority of women surveyed experienced one or more of the following interventions during labor:

   Continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM)(93 percent)
   Restrictions on eating (87 percent)
   IV fluids (86 percent)
   Restrictions on drinking (66 percent)
   Episiotomy (35 percent)
   Epidural anesthesia (63 percent)
   Artificially ruptured membranes (55 percent)
   Artificial oxytocin augmentation (53 percent)
   Cesarean surgery (24 percent)

What would those numbers look like in Kuwait? Perhaps some would be higher and some would be lower. The point is that you should be familiar with some technical medical terminology before you give birth. This is the second of two articles designed to empower moms to make informed decisions during birth. The previous article discussed Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM), Restrictions on Eating and IV Fluids, and Episiotomies. In this article we will discuss Artificial Induction or Augmentation (Syntocin), Epidurals, and Cesarean Surgery.

Artificial Induction or Augmentation (Syntocin):

Oxytocin is the central hormone that orchestrates a normal birth. It is nicknamed the hormone of “love” and is essential to bonding, creating feelings of euphoria, and produces uterine contractions. More than 50% of moms give birth using synthetic oxytocin (Syntocin or Pitocin), either to induce the beginning of the labor or to augment their labor once it has already begun.

While synthetic oxytocin and natural oxytocin are chemically identical, their affect on the body has significant differences. For example, natural oxytocin that is produced in the brain circulates in the cerebral-spinal fluid, whereas synthetic oxytocin is pumped into the veins and never crosses the blood-brain barrier. In addition, the body only produces enough oxytocin to meet its needs, where as synthetic oxytocin is pumped by steadily increasing amounts over a short period of time to much higher levels than what the body would naturally produce. Furthermore, while naturally produced oxytocin is responsible for creating the mothers powerful and rhythmic contractions that eventually birth her baby, it also has a softer side: oxcytocin floods a mothers body, reaching its highest peaks during the most intense part of labor, and helping the mother move into an alternative state of mind ((elation) in order to cope with labor and filling her body with love and affection for her baby and partner. A whole series of feedback hormones are also triggered with the natural production of oxytocin, including endorphins (euphoria) and prolactin (for milk production) to prepare her for the final moments of birth and her initial encounters with her baby. This feedback process does not accompany artificial oxytocin.

Synthetic oxytocin, on the other hand, produces more intense contractions over a shorter period of time, without the softening effects of natural oxytocin or the benefits of endorphins. This does more than just change the quality of the contractions- making them more intense and painful for the poor mother. It also increases the mother and baby’s risks for harm, necessitating continuous fetal monitoring. These risks include postpartum hemorrhage through what is called uterine atony: essentially, synthetic oxytocin has a diminishing return of effectiveness by the end of labor, leaving the uterus soft and weak, unable to contract to stop postpartum bleeding; and fetal distress: the sudden-hard and fast-squeezing contractions produced by synthetic oxytocin induced contractions diminishes the baby’s placental oxygen supply more often and for longer periods of time than natural contractions creating disturbing fetal heart rate patterns and necessitating continuous fetal monitoring, vaccum/forceps assisted deliver, and cesarean surgery.

The best way to avoid the use of synthetic oxytocin in your labor is to wait for your labor to begin on it’s own and to use movement throughout your labor to keep your labor progressing, and use a doula or other support person throughout your labor.


I’m just going to skip other pain medication options and speak directly to the most commonly used pain medication: Epidurals. Epidurals are popular because they allow women to be awake and aware yet free from pain during labor and birth. They permit an exhausted woman to rest or sleep. And while their usual effect is to slow labor, the profound relaxation they offer can sometimes put a stalled labor back on track. They can be very effective.

But like all medical interventions, epidurals also have potential harms, including an increased risk of

·         a vacuum or forceps delivery
·         a drop in blood pressure, which may pose a risk to the baby
·         nausea and itching attributed to the narcotics in epidurals
·         difficulty with breastfeeding, linked to fentanyl, a common narcotic component in most epidurals
·         developing a life-threatening complication
·         breathing problems or difficulty swallowing
·         a baby who experiences a prolonged episode of abnormally slow fetal heart rate

Still, labor is unpredictable, and you want to keep all your options available. Just be sure that you make your decision freely, not because you feel pressure or lack an alternative. Here are some ways to do that as well as minimize potential harms:
Choose a care provider with a cesarean surgery rate of 15% or less. Studies show that in the hands of care providers with low rates, epidurals do not increase cesarean odds. 

Choose a mother-friendly birth environment. In most hospitals, confinement to bed, continuous fetal monitoring, and restricting labor support companions such as doulas, along with lack of amenities such as showers, deep tubs, and birth balls make it difficult to cope with labor without an epidural. Where epidurals are the norm, nurses may not know how to support a laboring woman without one, and staff may actively promote their use. And finally, delay an epidural until active, progressive labor (6-7 cm dilation) to reduce your risk of complications arising from epidurals.

Cesarean Surgery:

When the cesarean rate is between 10-15%, maternal mortality goes down and lives are saved. However, when a cesarean rate goes above 15%, there are no overall improvements for maternal or infant health outcomes. The risks of harm increase for both mother and baby, future pregnancies can be endangered, and health care resources are squandered on interventions that do not provide a positive net gain in health outcomes. The World Health Organization states that cesareans should only be performed for medically indicated reasons. These include placenta previa, malformed or injured pelvis, severe pre-eclampsia, active genital herpes, advanced HIV, transverse (side-lying) baby, twins if the first baby is breech and triplets, certain birth defects, medical problems with the baby or mother (emergency or chronic), placental abruption, prolapsed cord, or uterine rupture.

The following are NOT necessarily a medically indicated reason for a cesarean: prior cesarean, breech presentation, failure to progress, CPD (Cephalo-pelvic disproportion, or your baby's head is too big), twins if the first baby is presenting head down, large baby, fear, convenience, or wanting to give birth on a particular day.

Risks to the mother include:

   4xs higher risk of death than vaginal birth
   20%-40% mothers after cesareans have post-operative complications - uterine, wound or urinary tract infections are the most common.
   increased risk of serious infections such as pelvic abcess, septic shock and pelvic thromboembolism.
   up to 1 in 10 have a surgical laceration in their uterus.
   6xs increase in postpartum depressions three months after surgery.
   reduced fertility
   increased risk of ectopic (outside of uterus) pregnancy
   increased risk of unexplained still birth
   increased risk of rupture of the uterus before or during labor, 2-4xs higher when subsequent labors are induced or augmented with pitocin.
   risk of placental problems (placenta praevia or low-lying placenta; placental abruption where placenta separates early; placenta accreta, where placenta won't separate) increased by 2-4xs.
   7-15xs increased risk of emergency hystorectomy after birth for the above reasons
   increased risk of bleeding after birth, severe anaemia, blood transfusion, repeat cesarean, and infection, for all the reasons mentioned.

Risks to the baby include (for non-emergency cesareans):

   5xs increased risk of needing intensive care treatment after birth
   increased risk of prematurity; even with ultrasound scans, around 10% of babies are born more than two weeks early
   increased risk of breathing difficulties after birth: minor problems around 6% compared to 3% vaginal delivery, even when born at term.
   with ceasareans, 1.6% of babies require a machine for severe breathing difficulties compared to .3% of vaginal births.
   Persistent pulmonary hypertension. of which 40%-60% of affected babies die, can affect up to 4 per 1,000  cesarean babies, compared to .8 per 1,000 vaginal babies.
   1-2% risk of laceration (surgical cut) during the operation
   all future pregnancies have an increased risk of prematurity, low birth weight, poor condition at birth, and death, for the reasons mentioned above.

To decrease your risk of having an unnecessary cesarean surgery, find a care provider with a low cesarean rate, let your labor begin on it’s own, move around and stay active during labor, work with a doula or other labor support, avoid unnecessary medical interventions, and push your baby out in an upright position.