Blast from the past! Read about January BirthKuwait`s free lecture about Powerful Benefits of Prenatal Yoga presented by Sarah Longacre and Stacey Seebart of Blooma yoga . Article is reposted with approval from and huge Thanks for writing about us.
" After the intensive 3 day yoga certification course of Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training at Rana Fitness Studio, the women of Blooma, Sara Longacre and Stacy Seebart held a lecture on “Powerful benefits of Prenatal Yoga” which was open for all people to attend.
Before we started it was the distribution of prizes to the winners of the second series of prenatal yoga quizzes. The prizes were from Jelly Beanz, Oleana Boutique, House of Butterflies and The BonBon Baby.

The BonBon Baby are on sale now and have some nice gift sets so check them out. House of Butterflies uses organic products to make colorful baskets of different natures and sizes, they also donate some of their profits to children cancer organization.

Sara is the owner of Blooma prenatal & postnatal yoga and wellness studio, is a birth doula and certified yoga teacher. She is very passionate about the topic and speaks in a very animated style making the audience feel what she is talking about. She talked about how Blooma started from a company which she decided to develop after she had discovered she was practicing yoga with her clients as a doula. Stacy, the director of Blooma’s Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is a massage and pranassage specialist. She joined Sara in Blooma’s journey a few months after Sara had started. Now Blooma has grown drastically since its creation.

All the way from South Korean just to attend Blooma’s course sponsored by Birth Kuwait.
Sara showed us a few yoga moves which benefit pregnant mothers and one that is even good for mothers who are breastfeeding.

This one is good for mothers who are breastfeeding as it helps them stretch their backs as they also seem hunched up while breasting which is totally true in my case.

The same position from the side of you can see how the hands are.

And to get that extra stretch bend down in the same position.

The second move which she showed us was for pregnant women. This will help with labor and a basic side to side movement in the cat position. So swaying from side to side.

And arching your back up and down to stretch your back.

Then you can go down to the child pose to relax.

If you feel the need to stretch a bit more you can move to the side.

And if you have trouble you can always ask someone for help by pushing down on your back.

And if you’re confident in Yoga, then you can move to a more advanced move, the downward dog.

Squats are important to help the baby move in the right position for labor, you can do instead of bending down to pick up something that has fallen, do a squat instead.

The final movement is dancing to your favorite song moving side to side in this position which helps you relax and helps with a more natural labor.
Also, Rana Fitness Studio is definitely worth checking out. The owner, Rana is a very nice person and passionate about her studio. She also offers a range of classes that everyone seems to be talking about. They even have a Zumba Atomic class which is designed for kids starting from the age of 4 years old."
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